
EPS Colloquium – Rutgers University (virtual) February 14, 2025
Emeritus Professor Michel Blanc, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP), CNRS-Université Toulouse III  | CNES, Toulouse France.A Journey to Jupiter and Its Moons
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) November 11, 2024
Nicholas Hud, Co-Director, Center for Fundamental and Applied Molecular Evolution (FAME), School of Chemistry & Biochemistry | Georgia Institute of TechnologyA Self-Assembly Approach to Identifying Possible Ancestors of RNA
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) October 14, 2024
Diego Ferreiro, Co-Director, Protein Physiology Lab, Department of Biological Chemistry Sciences | University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Solvent Constraints for Biopolymer Folding and Evolution in Extraterrestrial Environments
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) September 30, 2024
Carolina Martinez-Gutierrez, Assistant Professor, Early Life & Microbial Evolution Lab, UC Santa BarbaraDisentangling the Origins of Alpha and Beta Carboxysomes in Cyanobacteria
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) April 1, 2024
Ram Krishnamurthy, Professor of Chemistry, Scripps Research InstituteTransition from Prebiotic Chemistry to Protobiology?
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) March 18, 2024
D. Eric Smith, External Professor, Santa Fe Institute
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) March 4, 2024
Robert M. Hazen, Senior Staff Scientist, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) December 4, 2023
Elizabeth Rampe, Scientist, Astromaterials Research & Exploration Science (ARES), NASA
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) November 20, 2023
Kristin N. Johnson-Finn, Assistant Professor, Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) October 23, 2023
Prabakaran Ramakrishnan, Emory University
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) April 3, 2023
Costantino Vetriani, Rutgers University
ENIGMA Seminar Series (hybrid) February 6, 2023
Jan Siess, Graduate Fellow,  Quantitative Biomedicine, Rutger
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) | December 12, 2022
Michael Hecht, Professor of Chemistry at Princeton UniversitySustaining Life with Genes and Proteins Designed De Novo
ENIGMA Seminar Series (virtual) | November 28, 2022
Wolfgang Nitschke, Director of Research, Bioenergetics & Protein Engineering, CNRSLife as we don’t know it” at the very beginning?
(bioenergetics’ take on emergence-of-life-research)
ENIGMA Seminar Series (hybrid)| November 14, 2022
James Eguchi, Post-doctoral Researcher,  Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers UniversityReinterpreting the Sedimentary Carbon and Sulfur Isotope Records in Light of Links between Earth’s Surface and Iinterior Carbon and Sulfur Cycles
ENIGMA Seminar Series (hybrid)| November 7, 2022
Anhuai Lu, Professor, School of Earth & Space Sciences, Peking UniversityMineral Photoelectron Energy for Prebiotic Synthesis and Microbial Metabolism
ENIGMA Seminar Series (hybrid)| October 3, 2022
Yossi Paltiel, Professor, Applied Physics and  Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of JerusalemThe Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity(CISS) Effect 
2022 Summer School in Planetary Sciences at the University of Science and Technology of China  (virtual)| August 4, 2022
Paul G. Falkowski, Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences and Earth and Planetary Sciences, RutgersThe Origin and Emergence of Global Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles
2022 Summer School in Planetary Sciences at the University of Science and Technology of China  (virtual)| August 3, 2022
Robert Hazen, Staff Scientist, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for ScienceAn Evolutionary System of Mineralogy: A mineral informatics approach
PCE3 Seminar Series | June 9, 2022
Shaunna Morrison, Research Scientist, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for ScienceMineral Informatics: A mineralogist’s perspective
PCE3 Seminar Series | June 9, 2022
Anirudh Prabhu, Geo-Informatics Scientist, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for ScienceMineral Informatics: A data scientist’s perspective
2022 Annual ENIGMA Astrobiology Symposium | May 10, 2022 (Day 1)
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Vikas NandaTheme 1 Overview
Salma KassemApproaches for the In-situ Emergence of Functionality in Peptide-based Systems
Yana BrombergTheme 2 Overview
Nir Ben-TalProtein Archeology: How Proteins Emerged and Evolve?
Nathan YeeTheme 3 Overview
Dru MyerscoughDeterminants of Multiheme Cytochrome Electron Transfer Uncovered by Systematic Mutation
Bhanu JagilinkiSelenium Oxidoreductases – A Promising Alternative Biochemistry for more Reducing Worlds
Saroj PoudelEcological Distribution of Nitrogenase Reveals Modern Isoforms Evolved to Potentially Bind Charged Proteins to Mitigate Oxygen Toxicity
Diego FerreiroFrom Evolution to Folding of Repeat-Proteins
2022 Annual ENIGMA Astrobiology Symposium | May 11, 2022 (Day 2)
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Shaunna MorrisonA Brief Introduction to the Mineralogy of Mars
Corday SeldenExperimental Investigation of Amino Acid Binding as a Mechanism for Fractionating Metal Stable Isotopes in Proteins
Daniel HummerData Mining the Past: Using Large Mineral Datasets to Trace Earth’s Geochemical History
Janice McDonnellEducation and Outreach Overview
Kevin HandAlien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space
2021 Società Geologica Italiana  | December 2, 2021
Paul G. Falkowski, Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences and Earth and Planetary Sciences, RutgersOrigins of Oxidoreductases
Robert Hazen, Staff Scientist, Earth & Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for ScienceThe Co-evolution of Life and Rocks: Visualizing 4.5 billion years of Earth history
Donato Giovannelli, Assistant Professor,  Microbiology, University of Naples Federico IISubsurface Life can Impact Volatile Cycling in Subduction Zones
Rutgers Mathematical Physics Seminar| September 15, 2021
Paul G. Falkowski, Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences and Earth and Planetary Sciences, RutgersLight to Life on Earth
PCE3 Seminar Series | July 15, 2021
Hannah Rutledge, Graduate Student, Tezcan Lab, University of California San DiegoOn the Brink of Stability: Redox Dependent Conformational Changes of the Nitrogenase P-Cluster
2021 Annual ENIGMA Astrobiology Symposium | June 8, 2021 (Day 1)
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Dror NoyDan Salah Tawfik Memorial
Jeremy EnglandSelf-Organization of Lifelike Behaviors
Sara WalkerPlanetary Systems Biochemistry: Inferring the Laws of Life at a Planetary Scale
Aaron MartinezBiomarkers in the Geologic Record
Gonen AshkenasyThe Systems Chemistry of Peptide Networks
Douglas PikeA Protein Structure Sequence: Decoding the Deeper Structural Evolution of Proteins Upon Which Amino Acids Vary
Betul KacarBetween a Rock and a Living Place: A Molecular Paleobiology Approach to Explore Life’s Origins and Early Evolution
Saroj PoudelExpansion of Positively Charged Cavities Enabled the Evolution of Substrate Specificity in Rubisco
2021 Annual ENIGMA Astrobiology Symposium | June 9, 2021 (Day 2)
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Birte HoeckerEvolution of Proteins from Subdomain-sized Fragments
Ariel AptekmannMebipred: Protein Sequence Metal-binding Prediction Web Server and Standalone Tool
Dennis DeanAspects of Nitrogenase Catalysis and Assembly
Corday SeldenTracing N2 Fixation in the (Marine) Environment
Markus RibbeReactivities of Isolated Nitrogenase Cofactors
Jennifer TimmReconstructing a Potential Primordial Hydrogenase
Vikas Nanda and Yana BrombergWelcome and Introduction
Andrei LupasOn the Origin of Life: From Networks of Prebiotic Reactions to the DNA-protein World
Pedrag RadivojacIntroductory Machine Learning for Protein Function Prediction
Vikas NandaNavigating Data in 3D – Inferring Deep-time Evolution from Structure
Yana BrombergMicrobial Signatures of Life
Curtis HuttenhowerComputational Methods for Probing Microbial Community Function
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Jun KorenagaEarly Earth Environment
Ros RickabyWhat is Isotopic Fractionation and How does it Work?
Carl SwisherHow do we Date Rocks
Rutgers Earth & Planetary Sciences Summer Seminar Series| July 29, 2020 
Paul G. Falkowski, Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences and Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers
2020 Annual ENIGMA Astrobiology Symposium | June 16, 2020 (Day 1)
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Vikas NandaOverview of Theme 1: Synthesis and Function of Nanomachines in the Origin of Life
Daniel SegrèTraces of Early Life in the Architecture of Metabolic Networks
Yana BrombergOverview of Theme 2: Increasing Complexity of Nanomachines in Microbial Ancestors
Cara MagnaboscoBiogeodynamic Models for Deep Time
Nathan YeeOverview of Theme 3: Co-Evolution of Nanomachines and the Geosphere
Janice McDonnellEducation and Outreach
2020 Annual ENIGMA Astrobiology Symposium | June 17, 2020 (Day 2)
Paul FalkowskiWelcome and Introduction
Yi LuDesigning Redox-active Metalloenzymes Involved in Electron Transfer Processes
Saroj PoudelPlenary Presentations Theme 1: Synthesis of Ancestral Nanomachines
Bhanu JagilinkiPlenary Presentations Theme 1: De novo Iron-Sulfur Proteins/Peptides and its Implications in Understanding the Origins of Life
Kenneth McGuinnessPlenary Presentations Theme 1: Completing the Earth’s Electron Transfer Chain
Ariel AptekmannPlenary Presentations Theme 2: Ancient Protein Repeats
Adrienne HoarfrostPlenary Presentations Theme 2: Capturing the Complexity of the Bio-Geosphere with Deep Transfer Learning
Julian EsselbornPlenary Presentations Theme 2: Mimicking Metalloprotein Evolution by Combination of Metal Binding Motifs
Bob HazenPlenary Presentations Theme 3: THE FIRST ENZYMES? Roles of Mineral-Molecule Interactions in the Origins of Life
Joy BuongiornoPlenary Presentations Theme 3: Tectonic Settings and their Control on Oxidoreductase Assemblages
Jihua HaoPlenary Presentations Theme 3: Phosphorus Chemistry in Planetary Waters: Early Earth and Enceladus Ocean